The Convention Sights

The first time I had heard of the convention was though a friend of mine in my Favorite Microsoft chat room "#Color_Comic_Chat". My friend, whom we all call Bing, mentioned that he was planning to attend this convention so he could display his anime style art to the people there. I had actually planned to go to a different convention called "bootercon" which catered to fan of the company Mainframe which makes popular Computer generated Cartoons. I said that I'd fall back on this convention as a backup plan if Bootercon turned out to be a fraud.

Unfortuently, Bootercon was quite a fraud. Bad organization and limited communication pretty much killed any chance of this con coming to light. Thus started my plans to go to anime/sci-fi/comic con. At least this con was commercial run and allowed me the chance to meet my friend. Unfortunetly, Bing bailed out of going to the convention about a week before the convention. Shame really.

After spending 2 day and a half in Toronto itself, It was time to attend the Convention I had based my vacation around. Being that this was my first convention, I wasn't certian what to expect from it. We've all heard the stereotype of Star trek conventions where people dress up in Star Trek uniforms. Well, that was much of what it was like except for the fact that this convention catered to anime, comic book, and sci-fi fans. So as you can see, there was quite a mix of different constumes and T-shirts that people where wearing.

While I had lost the chance to meet Bing, I had the chance to make some new friends at the convention.

Dave, myself and Ben

I doubt my trip would of been nearly as enjoyable if I hadn't met these guys. They, like myself, where big anime fans so we where able to get along quite well. I also met Bens father who was kind enough to treat the three of us to dinner. Thank you!!

You can learn more about Dave at his web sites:

Daves Goth site

Daves Non-Goth site

Neither Dave nor I have been able to track Ben down off the net. I had his E-mail address but apparently it's the wrong one. Ben, if you do come across this web page please contact me at [email protected] .

Here are the pictures I took at the convention. Pick a page number to start viewing the pictures.


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